The International Language

English is the fourth most widely spoken native language in the world, and in terms of sheer number of speakers, it is the most spoken official language in the world. It is the primary language used in international affairs. The English language has official status even in nations where it is not the primary spoken language. English is indisputably the primary language of global trade and commerce. In many countries, most tourism authorities and other officials in contact with the public speak English to interact and engage with tourists and immigrants.

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Exámenes finales

Como lo marca la SEP, los exámenes finales contienen únicamente preguntas abiertas en las que el alumno hace uso de su creatividad y del idioma que ha adquirido durante el ciclo para contestar.

El examen de inglés será el Jueves 16 de Junio a las 10:30am, dentro del horario normal de clases.

A continuación se adjuntan los temarios de cada nivel:

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